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Top Assault Defense Lawyer and Drug Lawyer Casey Keirnan

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Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association (2014)
Driver's License Suspensions in Texas
Hire a Lawyer for a Driving While License Invalid Charge
Were you or someone you know arrested for Driving While License Invalid or Driving While License Suspended in Houston? Do not plead guilty to a judge without first consulting a top Houston criminal defense attorney about the possibility of getting the case dismissed. Taking a plea bargain and going home may seem like a quick way out of your driver's license problem, but that decision could just be the beginning of a nightmare of suspensions and surcharges that could last years.
A conviction for Driving while License Invalid DWLI (i.e. a guilty plea) will cause you to incur hundreds of dollars of surcharges from the DPS. The seemingly endless maze of fees and paperwork can be too much to overcome for many, leaving them without any hope of renewing their driver's license.
Always speak with a driver's license suspension attorney before accepting any type of plea bargain in court. You could possibly regret that decision for a long time to come.
Contact an Experienced DWI Attorney to Save your License
Do you need an occupational license? Call a DWI attorney at Mercer & Keirnan Criminal Defense Attorneys TODAY to begin the process. Do you wish to contest the suspension of your driver's license?
The experienced DWI attorneys at Mercer & Keirnan have fought successfully for over 30 years to protect driver's licenses. CALL TODAY for a free consultation with an experienced Houston criminal defense lawyer.
Texas DWI Law
Under Texas law, refusal of a breath test results in an automatic 180 day suspension of your driver's license. If you take the breath test and blow under .08 BAC, you’re driver’s license is safe and is not subject to suspension. If you blow over .08 BAC, your license is subject to an automatic 90 day suspension.
If you've been drinking, the general rule advised by most criminal defense lawyers is to refuse all tests, even at the risk of a driver's license suspension. If you blow, you submit yourself to the inaccuracy of the intoxilizor. In addition, it will be much harder for the state to prove its case against you without a breath test.
Free Consultation with a Top Criminal Defense Lawyer
Attempting to contest either the suspension of your driver’s license or the DWI charge itself without first consulting with an experienced criminal defense lawyer is highly ill-advised. There are a number of highly technical and complicated issues that require the attention and skill of a top Houston criminal defense attorney.
Let the Houston criminal defense lawyers at Mercer & Keirnan help to ease your burden during this stressful period. Call now for a free evaluation of your case and discuss your strategy with an experienced Houston criminal defense lawyer.
(713) 236-9700 – M-F, 8am-5pm
(713) 208-7682 – after hours and weekends
Contesting the Suspension of Your Texas Driver's License
The suspension of your driver’s license is not exactly “automatic”. You may contest the suspension by requesting an Administrative License Revocation Hearing. During an ALR hearing, you and your attorney will get a chance to examine the arresting officer’s probable cause for arresting you. The officers and technicians must also have followed the proper procedure in administering the breath test and informing you of your rights. There is considerable room for error, and if the proper protocol was not followed, your license will likely be returned to you.
You have only 15 days from the date of your arrest to request a hearing, so you must act quickly. Should you miss this deadline, or if an administrative judge upholds the suspension of your license, you are still eligible to apply for an occupational license, which will allow you to drive to and from work and to perform other necessary driving tasks. Contact a Houston criminal defense lawyer at Mercer & Keirnan TODAY to contest the suspension of your Texas driver's license.